In today's modern world, where technology reigns supreme and our lives are often dictated by busy schedules and constant connectivity, it's important to find ways to reconnect with the natural rhythms of the seasons.
For many, seasonal living is the missing link to living a life of flow and fulfillment. Seasonal living is ripe with wisdom and abundance, bringing intentionality into your day-to-day life that leaves you feeling more connected to your surroundings, yourself, and the work that you do, either professionally or in your everyday.
Embracing seasonal living allows us to slow down, appreciate the beauty of nature, and align ourselves with the cycles of the Earth. Here are seven easy practices to help you embrace seasonal, intentional living, allowing you to fully embrace all four seasons.
1. Get Up with the Sun
In order to connect yourself with the macrocosm of seasonal living, you must first connect with the microcosm of daily living. Each day is a small representation of the larger cycle of the seasons. By embracing more intentional daily living, separate from the modern "disturbances" created by our work routines, air conditioning, and artificial lights, you're able to dip back into the slow flow of living with nature.
Now, I'm not saying to kiss your work or modern amenities goodbye. I'm encouraging you to begin living by the light of the sun. Get up when the sun rises and wind down when the sun sets. As you begin connecting your actions more intentionally with the energy of this daily rhythm, you'll find yourself connecting with the larger flow of the changing seasons.
[Related article: Crystals for Summoning the Sun]
2. Get a Plant Baby
If you struggle with seeing how the seasons affect you, get a plant baby to show you what it's like to change with the seasons and help you tap into the natural world.
Whether it's a tropical houseplant or a tree in your backyard, all plants go through seasons of growth and dormancy. And as you watch and assist your plant through the seasons, you'll be more able to connect your own experiences with the turning of the wheel of the year.

3. Go for a Nature Walk
One of my favorite ways to bask in seasonal living, is to have nature walks as a constant feature in my life. And not: there's a difference between walking to work or walking your dog and going for a nature walk. Though you can do both simultaneously – a nature walk is a walk in which you pay extra attention to nature.
When you take nature walks throughout each of the four seasons, you are opening yourself up to observe how your surroundings change. This attention to how and when the flowers come and go, the trees change, and how the rest of the world of bugs and animals act in each season will have you paying more attention to the seasons, both outwardly but also likely inwardly as well.
4. Bring the Outdoors In
One of my favorite ways to embrace seasonal living is to bring the outdoors in. From keeping seasonally-appropriate flowers and greenery in my living spaces to decorating with crystals, wood, candles, and other natural objects, being surrounded by nature in my home with natural or nature-themed decorative accessories helps me remember to live with the natural world and keeps me in touch with seasonal living.
[Related article: 7 Ways to Use Crystals in Everyday Life]
5. Eat and Drink with the Seasons
From Hot Toddies in Winter to Spring Beet Salads, eating and drinking with the seasons not only assists you in living seasonally but is also better for your health, as your body's functions are connected to the four seasons, even if your mind isn't.
Not only that but eating seasonally also tastes better! Seasonal eating with foods produced during their peak season gets you the freshest, tastiest, and most nutritious choices – and foods produced and purchased in their ideal season are often friendlier to your budget. Add the fun of eating in an outdoor space and you're really working to embrace seasonal living.
Feel free to see this as permission to dive into your pumpkin lattes in Autumn and watermelon in Summer. With every sip and bite, you will notice you're embracing seasonal living, and this is another perfect opportunity to invite people to join in with you!
[Related: View all Seasonal Recipes on the Almanac Journal]
6. Embrace Seasonal Activities
Just like eating and decorating with the seasons, bringing other activities into your daily life during each season will assist you in living seasonally. From water sports and picnics in Summer and cozy fires in Autumn to quiet fiber projects or book-a-thons in Winter and gardening in Spring, seasonal living gives you the opportunity to give every interest and responsibility in your life a season. And each activity will help you sink deeper into seasonal living. If you are looking for some inspiration when it comes to seasonal activities try some of the following:
- Create seasonal crafts
- Take part in seasonal rituals
- Dress for the seasons
- Reflect and set intentions
- Follow celestial events
7. Keep a Nature Journal
For those ready to truly embrace seasonal living, to engage with and record each season as it passes, keeping a nature journal will sink you more deeply into a place of observation and commitment to embracing the seasons.
A nature journal is a place for you to draw or write about what you find and see in nature. It's an engaging and relaxing practice that will help you connect with nature and observe the changing of the seasons. When paired with personal reflections, over time you'll have the ability to see how you change and flow with the seasons, just as the flowers, trees, and wildlife around you changes too.
Shop the Seasons with Almanac Supply Co.
Embracing seasonal living is a powerful way to reconnect with the natural world, find balance, and cultivate a deeper appreciation for the beauty and rhythms of the Earth. So, slow down, step outside, and immerse yourself in the magic of seasonal living, and feel free to invite people to join in! Allow the ever-changing cycles of nature to guide you on a journey of self-discovery, mindfulness, and connection to the world around you.