Spring Beet Salad with Honey-Thyme Vinaigrette

Eating with the seasons is about more than just digging into the fruits and veggies of the seasons; it's about eating foods that support your body's function for the time of year you're in. (Luckily, most of what grows in a particular season does support your body's function of that time of year - that nature wisdom is strong!)

Spring is the season for detoxing from a winter of heavy, cozy foods. The world is lightening up, and so your gut should be, too.

The organ responsible for detoxing your bodies is your kidneys, so Spring is a wonderful time for paying special attention to part of your body. The Spring Beet Salad is created to do just that.

With grounding roasted beets (we don't want to jump out of Winter too quickly!) paired with dandelion leaves, fennel, and arugula - bitter, kidney-happy foods, this salad provides layers of support to your body as you move into and through Spring.

The additional kidney support of thyme and the allergy support of honey of the accompanying Honey-Thyme vinaigrette makes this salad a seasonal feast here to help you tiptoe through the tulips, just as you should be.

Spring Beet Salad with Honey-Thyme Vinaigrette

Filled with taste bud-awakening combinations of bitter and sweet, this Spring Beet Salad will wake up your mouth and digestive system with the flavors of the season. And though it makes a beautiful centerpiece display, it's also a wonderfully practical salad that can be thrown together in a large quantity and stored in the refrigerator and snacked on over a few days - just remember to save the pistachios for a last-minute garnish.

Honey-Thyme Vinaigrette Recipe


3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon thyme, chopped
1 garlic clove, minced (or pressed or microplaned)
1 teaspoon whole grain mustard
2 teaspoons honey

Combine all ingredients in a jar and shake completely.


Spring Beet Salad Recipe


1 small bunch arugula, washed and chopped to desired size
1 small bunch dandelion greens, washed and chopped to desired size
3 beets, golden and/or red, chopped or sliced
1 fennel bulb, thinly sliced
1/4 cup red onion, thinly sliced
1 orange, peeled and sliced
gorgonzola, to garnish
pistachios, roughly chopped, to garnish

In a large bowl, toss together arugula and dandelion greens. Layer on beets, fennel, red onion, and orange. Top with gorgonzola, pistachios, and a drizzle of Honey-Thyme Vinaigrette (see recipe above) just before serving.

Makes 4-6 servings.

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Emily is the co-founder of Almanac Supply Co., where she loves curating products for Nature Lovers and crafting content to help folks connect with nature. Her favorite season is Summer, when she can visit her favorite creeks and spend long days on her front porch.

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