Building a crystal grid is a great way to center, meditate, and connect with your intuition, as well as with nature. We see creating crystal grids as a sophisticated alternative to adult coloring; it's a way for you to make space for yourself while enjoying a gentle, creative activity. It's also a great group activity to do with friends or with children.
And while our Crystal Grid Kits have quickly become one of our most popular products, according to our inboxes and in-person conversations, most of you have no idea what they're really for!
If you're one of those who are drawn to the beauty of crystal grids and sacred geometry, but don't know what to do or how they work, follow along as we share the basics of what a crystal grid is and how to make one for yourself.

Discover the
Magical World of Crystals
Not sure where to start? Our free eBook will introduce you to 7 crystals to get you started, plus learn their energetic properties as well as the history, legends, and geological information of these must-have stones.
What is a Crystal Grid?
Crystals are believed to hold healing properties, helping you energetically boost your frequency to that of things like love, abundance, truth, or creativity. Using a crystal grid set is how you harness and magnify healing crystals, by using healing stones and placing them in a geometric shape or pattern (also called sacred geometry) to boost their electromagnetic field far beyond that of a single stone.
By intentionally placing stones or crystals in different geometric patterns, you cast their energy further, communicating your intentions far and wide.
How Do Crystal Grids Work?
Crystal grids work based on the Law of Attraction, the belief that like attracts like. Therefore, a rose quartz crystal grid (like the one shown above) set with the intention of finding a healthy relationship with another could attract just that thing into its field (which includes you, intention-setter).
Use your thought energy and the power of the grid to bring more of what you desire into your life!
How to Make a Crystal Grid
Follow this step-by-step guide for creating a healing crystal grid of your own:
1. sET Your Intentions
Journal, visualize or otherwise settle in on a specific desire, stated in the positive and present (like, "I am lighthearted and enjoy my own company" - a great mantra for rose quartz + self-love).
2. Gather Stones or Crystals for Your Grid
Each crystal possesses unique properties that resonate with different aspects of life. When creating your crystal grid, make sure the surrounding stones support your intentions, such as Citrine for prosperity (shown above) or Pyrite for luck (shown below). Clear quartz is great for adding additional amplification to your crystal grid, and a grid cloth or altar cloth is great for guiding your grid and holding sacred space.
Here are some popular crystals and their associated intentions:
Rose Quartz (Unconditional Love)
Known as the stone of love, Rose Quartz emits a gentle and nurturing energy that fosters compassion, self-love, and harmonious relationships.
Citrine (Abundance)
Citrine is a vibrant stone that attracts wealth, success, and prosperity. It is believed to bring joy and positive energy into your life.
Amethyst (Spiritual Growth)
Amethyst is a powerful crystal that enhances spiritual awareness, intuition, and inner peace, making it ideal for meditation and self-discovery.
Black Tourmaline (Protection)
For protection against negative energies, Black Tourmaline acts as a shield and helps maintain a strong sense of grounding.
Clear Quartz (Energy Amplification)
Known as the master healer, Clear Quartz amplifies the properties of other crystals and enhances the overall energy of the grid.
3. Prepare Your Sacred sPACE
After clearing your chosen spot or grid space of clutter, it's time to also rid any unwanted or residual energy by smudging or another preferred method.
4. Begin Placing Stones
With your intention in mind, place the anchor stone in the center of the crystal grid. Your anchor stone can be one that corresponds to your main focus or intention or a clear quartz point, a great all-purpose choice for your grid. For extra energy, you can place a paper with your intention written on it, a photo, or even a crisp $20 bill under your anchor or central stone.
Place the remaining stones or crystals around your anchor stone in your desired sacred geometric shape while keeping your intention in mind. You can use a circle for an abundance grid, great for things like health, wealth, and love; a square for strength, structure, and protection; a spiral for expansion, creativity, and flow; or a hexagon as a standard all-purpose crystal grid layout.
5. Activate Your Crystal Grid
Connect with your grid by sitting nearby and meditating on your intention. Remember, you're sitting inside the energy field of your grid, so keep focused or you'll be communicating all kinds of things into the Universe. (Though it'd be cool if we could attract our grocery list right into our homes, amiright?)
Some additional activation techniques include:
Sound Activation: Use a crystal singing bowl or a sound instrument to create vibrations that resonate with the crystals, activating their energies.
Moonlight Cleansing: Leave your crystal grid under the moonlight, especially during a full moon, to cleanse and charge the crystals with lunar energy.
6. Now, Take It Down, or Keep It Going
Once your intentions are set, you're welcome to take down your crystal grid or keep it for whatever length of time feels good to you. If you keep it going, revisit it every few days to meditate, visualize, and reset it with your intentions and soak in the energy you want to manifest in your life.
Make Your Own Crystal Grid
The beauty of crystal grids is that there's no right or wrong way, and the longer you work with grids the more in tune you'll become with how you most want to arrange and work with your grids.
Here are a couple of ways to use your grid or otherwise customize them to your liking:
Place a grid overnight in any new space, along with smudging the space with sage. (We did this our first night in our new maker studio! A grid of prosperity and protection.)
Add flowers, flower petals, leaves, or other natural objects to blend with and amplify the energies of these objects. (We're loving our Love crystal grid kit with rose petals these days.)
Add candles to incorporate the element of fire and the feeling of ritual to your grid sessions.
Decorate your potted plants with crystal grids to give your plants extra juice. (But be careful: some delicate plants can be overwhelmed by the power of a whole crystal grid, but a crystal or two will do!)
Do them with friends or children! Making crystal grids is calming and fun for all ages. It's a great practice in self-expression and a fun way to keep little hands busy - just don't let anyone eat the rocks!
Set up grids anywhere and everywhere. Make one the centerpiece of your dining room table. Hide long-standing grids on the tops of bookshelves or under beds. Use larger crystals to set up a grid that takes up a whole room or your whole house. You can even bury crystals in your yard to envelope your entire property in crystal energy.
Designing Your Crystal Grid Pattern
Once you have selected the appropriate crystals, it's time to design your crystal using traditional grid patterns. There are various sacred geometry patterns to choose from, each with its unique energy flow. Some popular grid patterns include:

1. Flower of Life
The Flower of Life pattern represents the interconnectedness of all living things and promotes harmony and unity. It is formed by overlapping circles, creating a mesmerizing and intricate lattice of interconnected shapes. This pattern is believed to carry the blueprint of the universe, making it a powerful tool for manifestation and spiritual growth.

2. Hexagon
The hexagon is a six-sided polygon that symbolizes balance, harmony, and stability. When used in a crystal grid, it encourages a sense of equilibrium and helps in establishing a harmonious energy flow. The hexagon pattern is especially beneficial for situations that require a balanced and centered approach.

3. Circle
The circle is one of the most powerful and sacred symbols, representing unity, infinity, and wholeness. Using a circular crystal grid enhances the energy flow, allowing the crystals' vibrations to circulate freely and amplify each other's effects. Circular grids are excellent for overall well-being and bringing a sense of completeness to your intentions.

4. Phi Spiral (Golden Ratio)
The Phi Spiral, also known as the Golden Spiral or Fibonacci Spiral, is a logarithmic spiral that follows the Golden Ratio. This ratio appears in many aspects of nature and is believed to create a sense of divine proportion and beauty. Incorporating the Phi Spiral in your crystal grid adds a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing energy.

5. Square
The square represents stability, structure, and grounding. When used in a crystal grid, it provides a strong foundation for manifesting intentions that require a solid structure. The square pattern creates a sense of security and order, helping you stay focused on your goals and aspirations.

6. Five-Pointed Star
The five-pointed star, also known as the pentagram, is a symbol of protection and balance. Each point of the star represents one of the five elements: earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. Utilizing the five-pointed star in your crystal grid helps harness the elemental energies and provides a protective shield around your intentions.
Additional Sacred Patterns
If you'd like to try a more intricate grid pattern, here are two to consider. The Seed of Life pattern is associated with creation and new beginnings, making it ideal for manifesting fresh starts and opportunities. It consists of seven overlapping circles that form a central flower-like shape. This pattern is considered the foundation of the Flower of Life and contains the potential for infinite possibilities.
Metatron's Cube contains all the shapes that exist in the universe and is believed to be a powerful tool for spiritual transformation. It consists of thirteen equal circles interconnected to create a three-dimensional structure. This pattern is named after the archangel Metatron and is said to carry divine energy and sacred geometry.
Remember, when choosing a pattern for your crystal grid, trust your intuition and choose the one that resonates with your intention the most. Each pattern brings its unique energy, and combining them with the right crystals can amplify the power of your grid manifold.
Crystal Grid Kits + Tools for Sale
Check out these crystal grid kits and tools:
Working (and playing) with crystal grids is one of our favorite hands-on ways to #livewithnature - both as a way to relax and hang with rocks, but also as a tool for intentional living.
Feel free to rifle through your own #rockcollection to find the right rocks for your grid, or feel free to shop our crystal grid kits, which are great for getting started and also act as a base for adding your own stones and other natural elements!
Want to learn more about powerful healing crystals? Check out these articles

Corinne is a creative and content creator who likes to stay curious about life. Her favorite season is Summer, when she can take up more outdoor adventures from hiking to motorcycle rides.