Spring Blessings Ritual

The Energy of Spring

As the season changes and we say goodbye to the winter months, we are excitedly welcoming the Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere! This special time marks the start of longer days, new beginnings, and nature slowly coming back to life. Spring brings with it so much energy and vitality, so let's abandon the hibernation of winter and start fresh! There's a reason why so many of us are called to do some spring cleaning after the equinox occurs.

As the world around us starts to blossom, use this time to reflect on your own growth and renewal. Think about what you want to achieve in the upcoming months, and focus on taking care of yourself and developing yourself.

The Spring Equinox is a time of balance, with day and night lasting equal lengths. Find some motivation from astrological symmetry and aim for balance in your own life. This could mean finding harmony between work and leisure activities, or between physical activity and relaxation.

As each season brings something new, it's an opportunity for growth and reflection and a chance to reconnect with nature. Have a stroll in the park, go on a hike, or just relax in your garden. Enjoy the beauty of new beginnings and bask in the joy of Spring!

No matter where you live, the changing of the seasons is something to be celebrated. Welcome the fresh start that Spring brings and find inspiration in the natural world. If you’d like to align with the current Autumn Equinox in the southern hemisphere, check out our Autumn Equinox Tarot Spread or our Autumn Blessing Ritual.

Invoke the Blessing of Spring

To live in alignment with the seasons is the most ancient form of magic. To connect with this power, acknowledge that you are reborn as the Earth is reborn. With this simple ritual, you can align yourself with the blessings of Spring!

You will need:

  • White sage for purification (or similar smudge bundle)
  • A Spring candle to set the intention
  • Your imagination to spark the magic

For this ritual, think of something that you would like to bless or bring new life to. Examples include a garden, a practice, a business venture, a relationship, etc... Once you have something in mind, you may begin.

Find a quiet and centered space.

Light the sage and let the smoke rise.

Pick up the spring candle and run it through the smoke several times, letting it being cleansed and purified.

Now hold the candle in your hands and close your eyes. Feel optimism and joy about what you are starting. Now imagine yourself six months in the future, somewhere around the fall equinox, having accomplished much more than expected. See how your hard work and dedication have paid off. And from this place, six months in the future, look back upon this moment in spring. Remember how it was when everything started coming together. Feel gratitude for all the work you've done to make this reality come to fruition. Linger on this for as long as you feel it. And when you're ready, come back into the present and open your eyes.

Place the candle somewhere that feels sacred and light it. As soon as the flame comes alive, the blessings begin.

Say “It is done!” to close the ritual.


This candle ritual is perfect for welcoming in the new season and for celebrating the Spring Equinox as well. If you are interested in additional ways to infuse your season with more Spring rituals, check out these favorites:


Rachel is the creator of Aeolian Heart Astrology, a voice that blends ancient Hermeticism with pop culture and fine art. She believes that astrology is magic because following the rhythm of the planets makes life feel like a graceful dance. Her favorite season is late-summer when the pomegranates are ripe and the sunsets are like amber.

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